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Here’s a not-so-exhaustive-but-still-pretty-thorough list of the tools, apps, hardware, and other gadgets I use every day to design and code my masterpieces. And don’t be distracted by the Johnny Mnemonic GIF in the background—he's just here to keep things cool..

Frontend (UI/UX)

  • Figma is my primary tool for UI design these days.
  • React is my front end Javascript library of choice. I am also learning Next.js right now.
  • For 3D effects and image shaders I use three.js. It has a bit of a learning curve but you can do some really powerful stuff with it.
  • For CSS I’ve used a MUI and Bootstarp like styled-components, but these days I’m using tailwind CSS with PostCSS to get upcoming CSS features today.
  • For Javascript animations I use Framer Motion, it’s a great way to add spring animations to React and three.js.


  • I use express.js for building RESTful APIs with Node.js.
  • Currently I am using MongoDB for developing scalable applications with evolving data schemas.


  • I use Visual Studio Code as my text editor, with the cyberpunk theme typeface of choice.
  • Brave is my main browser for both development and general use.


LaptopAcer Nitro V15
Processor13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-13420H 2.10 GHz
MouseLogitech G403